MAURI driven healing

Discover holistic, natural, and sacred healing modalities that restore physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. Reconnect with your inner essence and find transformative wellness in every aspect of your being.

Riverstone Energetic Healing

I have been practicing alternative therapies for over 30 years, taught and encouraged by whānau (family) both here in Aotearoa and the UK. Orthodox medicine has its place treating the symptom though not the cause. My practice includes modalities that enhance the mauri (life force, vital essence) within us to lead our best life; rongoā, reflexology and the New Zealand First Light Essences®.

The first two have their origins in indigenous culture, and the New Zealand First Light Essences® were created for this millennium using native plants that have over a million years of proven record.

My self-healing journey began in my 20’s and today I am delighted to be living my purpose in assisting you on your journey of good health, empowerment, well-being, purpose and joy.

Message me below to start a conversation. I am very much looking forward to connecting with you.

Ngā mihi,              
Wairereraki (Wairere)

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology, complementary medicine originating from China, is a powerful treatment of foot massage. The anatomy of the body is mapped out on the soles and top of each foot and reflexology helps to restore the body to a natural balance.

I graduated from the Bayly School of Reflexology in London 1994. Reflexology is endorsed by the Royal family in the UK and some conditions are paid for by the National Health System. Many European businesses engage in-house reflexologists to keep their staff in optimum health.

There is something ‘magical’ about a series of six treatments. A discount is given when you book and pay for a series of six treatments.

In my early days of practicing a client came to me out of desperation. He had a physical condition that orthodox medicine could not fix. During his 6 week treatment he remembered a repressed physical and emotional trauma, was able to release it and the physical condition resolved.

I’m not professing that I can ‘fix’ this is your personal journey and when the person is ready the healer/teacher is available. My interest first and foremost is to bring you back to a natural balance and to equip you with skills to keep yourself in good health and to live in joy.

What are the New Zealand First Light Flower Essences®?

The First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® include essences made from a wide variety of native plants.  Each essence is prepared using a unique process that involves capturing the energetic imprint of the plant and infusing it into pure spring water and a preservative.

These essences are designed to address emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances by working at a vibrational level. These natural remedies support personal growth, well-being, spiritual development and joy.  The First Light Flower Essences® are widely used in holistic healing practices either alone or to compliment another alternative therapy.

What is Rongoā

Rongoā Māori is the traditional Māori healing system. It includes native rongoā rākau, (plant remedies) mirimiri (massage) and karakia. (prayer) among others.

Rongoā is passed down orally from one generation to another.

In my 30’s I joined a international co-counseling community, became a teacher and led a support group for Māori close on a decade. Due to my colonised upbringing I was equipped to led healing the hurts of racism workshops for pākehā (non Māori).

If you are interested in rongoā we will start with a kōrero (chat) to determine what is most suitable.

Can a consultation be done online?

Only a New Zealand First Light® consultation can be achieved online.

Why do you offer three modalities and how do I choose?

I fully understand the benefits of all three modalities and each has their place. My childhood playground was native bush and a river bank. Rongā was introduced to me by my whānau (family) here in Aotearoa. Reflexology and Vibrational Medicine were introduced to me by my English family while living in the UK in the 90’s. Bach Flower Therapy was founded in the UK in the 1930’s and many people are familiar with Rescue Remedy, a blend that has been provided for people when in shock. In my experience, the New Zealand First Light Essences® are significantly more potent than Bach Flowers and they have been designed specifically for the challenges we face in this millennium. Bach has a collection of 36 flower essences whereas the New Zealand First Light® essences have several collections totaling 184 individual plant essences and several ready made blends to equip each person on their life journey. We are all different and we are here to master specific individual lessons.  

A person may enjoy the process of hands on therapy as reflexology is very relaxing. Another may be struggling with their life purpose; for the latter I would recommend a First Light Essence® blend. Some one might have a skin condition and I might recommend a rongoā application and in some instances I will I may draw upon all three.

I am an advocate for taking care of one’s own health, we all have the capacity and responsibility to take care of our own health especially if we can access the correct information and be in the right frame of mind to choose good life style choices.

How do I recieve my First Light® blend?

Personalised New Zealand First  Light Flower Essence® blends will be made the day of consultation and couriered and tracked the following day with New Zealand Post. If your address is rural, please allow 2 - 3 days. Blends can be a shipped anywhere though the cost might be prohibitive. Please call to discuss.

“The purest expression of sacred plant medicine is embodied in the First Light® Flower Essences of New Zealand® range. They are made in the ancient way as practiced by the tohuna of the Kura Huna. They are a taonga and a sacred treasure.”
Dr Ranginui Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere
"I believe the Flower Essence blends have huge benefit to anyone who feels stuck and struggling to see a way forward. My personalised blend got me unstuck and I moved forward with ease."
Patrick R
"I have noticed a huge improvement in my overall wellbeing and attitude to life. I am joyous again and my energy levels are climbing by day."
Sally R
"I am most grateful for the blend you created to help find the perfect role, it took 6 weeks and moved within a month. Thank you Wairere."
Ruth H
"I've been through a life changing event which kept me awake at night. The First Light® blend Wairere made based on my birthdate really helped quiet the negative thoughts and I was able to sleep."
Super Grateful
"I love reflexology, it's me time and puts a spring back into my step."
Carley P

Make a booking

For enquiries, consultations and appointments, please contact me using the form or email

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Phone:  +64 022 356 8007


Location:Takapuna, Auckland

First Light® blends can be delivered globally though we have First Light® practitioners in  Australia, Spain, The Netherlands and Japan.